A Primer on Nonviolent Resistance
In a recent town hall meeting with Democratic Congressman Tonko, one of his constituents praised the Congressman for appearing at rallies against the Trump attack on the government. He added that if the late civil rights leader, John Lewis, had been there, he would have gotten arrested. The speaker went on to say “We will be there with you. I will get arrested with you!”
In that spirit, here is a primer on nonviolent resistance.
Non-violent resistance is the most successful way to stop a coup. It is twice as likely to succeed as campaigns that resort to violence. The most successful form of resistance involves massive numbers of people and organizations taking action. General strikes and mass civil disobedience are more effective than simply demonstrating. Actions must engage a huge proportion of the population and motivate wealthy and powerful segments to support the movement.
Examples of the Success of Nonviolent Resistance
● Gandhi’s leadership in India began with the “Salt March,” protesting the British monopoly on salt-making. It led to years of marches, strikes, and refusals by Indians to obey British rule. As a result, Indians gained independence from Britain.
● Ending apartheid in South Africa. The internationally supported liberation movement involved an economic and political boycott. The U.S. and Great Britain approved economic sanctions against South Africa. Nelson Mandela and other ANC leaders organized a Defiance Campaign consisting of demonstrations, strikes, entering forbidden areas without permits, violating “European only” regulations at railway stations, burning passes, and breaking curfew laws.
● Ending of communist rule in Poland. The Polish Solidarity Movement consisted of workers committed to civil disobedience, strikes, and nonviolent resistance against heavily militarized government forces. A key reason for their success was Solidarity’s use of “underground education.” Ewa Kulik, a solidarity leader said, “We had to produce the papers and the books and distribute them. We had to put together a whole network identifying printing machines that had not been confiscated, finding people who could operate them, and organizing the distribution network.” The analogous tool in the current era is social media. (However, progressives aren’t making nearly as much use of them as the right wing.)
● Civil rights movement in the United States. Non-violence was the major force behind the success of the movement.
Principles of Non-Violence
The following is a distillation of the Philosophy and Practice of Nonviolence of Dr. Martin Luther King that was created by the International Association for the Advancement of Creative Maladjustment
● Our attitude will be one of openness and respect toward all we encounter in our actions.
● We will use no violence, verbal or physical, toward any person.
● We will not destroy or damage any property.
● We will carry no weapons.
● We will not bring any drugs or alcohol.
● If participating in nonviolent direct action, such as civil disobedience, we will not run or resist arrest; we will remain accountable for our actions as a means of furthering our witness to injustice.
● Additionally, we require that all individuals considering participation in a nonviolent direct action take appropriate nonviolence training.
Resources on Nonviolence[DHF1]
To learn more about nonviolent resistance, here are some resources.
● The Power and Potential of Nonviolent Struggle-Gene Sharp-(58:24) Gene Sharp is an American political scientist who founded the Albert Einstein Institution, which is a nonprofit dedicated to the study of nonviolent action.
● NAACP-NVR Training(16:51) Great practical information for protests (safety, what to do if arrested, first aid, what to bring, etc.). It also discusses the morality of nonviolent resistance.
● The Success of Nonviolent Resistance-Erica Chenowith-Ted Talk(12:34)
● These websites have information and updates on training, organizing, and how to organize an event in your area if there aren’t any.
Mobilizing Society
According to Gene Sharp, who “founded the academic field of nonviolent resistance,” power depends on the consent of the general population. By withdrawing consent and engaging in nonviolent civil disobedience, the general population has the power to prevail. This is why we must engage and mobilize every sector of society. Indeed, some of the most persuasive events will be when organizations that most people would not expect to speak up, do so.
Here are two organizations. I urge you to sign up with them. That will lend your name to them and will allow them to let you know what is happening
Hold the Line: A Guide to Defending Democracy
The next two years may be the best opportunity you will ever have to make a difference for your country. You can join millions of others in speaking up for the basic principles of our democracy and the institutions that support it. The full participation of every person is fundamental to building a society that works for everyone.